Stoke St Gregory, Somerset, England
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Stoke St Gregory Community Plan 2023

Over a six month period, a group of villagers conducted a survey and produced a report on the answers given. This has resulted in a new village, or community plan which can inform decisions by local groups and hopefully show outside funding agencies the perceived needs of our village. See all the documents HERE on the Parish Council website.
Carbon Footprint
One of the survey topics was, “What do you think would help you to reduce your own carbon footprint and help restore the area’s natural biodiversity?” An amazing 348, out of the 385 people who took part in the survey, responded to this question, showing the level of interest and concern in our village. But, how can we translate these feelings into action?
The first step is to let us know who you are. The survey was obviously confidential, so whether you have views on how we should proceed, or just want to be kept informed can you please contact us?
120 people ticked the box - Support and guidance on making my home more energy efficient. We held an event on this subject, which was poorly attended, so were we not looking at the right topics for those 120 people, did we not advertise properly, or would you 120 people like information in a different form? Please let us know.
Other responses were:
76 - Support and guidance for reducing my use of energy and water
29 -Support and guidance for reducing food waste
190 - Increased opportunities for recycling, reusing and repurposing
115 - Community composting scheme
81 - Provision of more allotments to support local food production
147 - More safe cycle lanes/pedestrian walkways across the village
39 - More electric vehicle charging points
47 - A community car-share scheme
90 - Opportunity to use green community transport
Again, if you ticked any of these boxes, please let us know who you are, and why you did so.
Stoke Environment Group has been looking at and tackling some of these issues already and will be following up on more of them. But please don’t be shy. All those ticks in boxes mean that you care. We just need to get together to see what we can do. If we don’t, then the good work of the Village Survey Group might be wasted.
20 mph - Is it a Good Idea for Stoke? - New 24th June 2023

We've now got used to travelling through Curry at 20 miles per hour. Are we ready for the same thing in Stoke? England is way behind the rest of the UK in terms of slowing down traffic in residential areas, but we don't have to wait for the Westminster government to get its finger out. But, we always have the same issue. Lots of people ticked the box, but who are you? Who will come forward and make a contribution to a safer Stoke? Would you be willing to pledge to travelling at less than 20 mph through the village? If 50 people committed to that it would slow everybody else down. Please get in touch
Start by having a look at the 20's Plenty site HERE
Surely there is someone around who wants this to happen?