Stoke St Gregory, Somerset, England
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- Hedgehogs | My Site
HEDGEHOGS BACK to Projects This little hog was snapped having a picnic in a garden near you. Amazing night-time footage of our local hedgehog population was revealed at the Envirofair , Saturday 16th October. Considered a gardener’s best friend, hedgehogs will happily hoover up slugs roaming in vegetable beds. Covered in spines, hedgehogs like to eat all sorts of bugs, but especially slugs and crunchy beetles. They are most active at night and hibernate through winter. From recent social media posts, you may have realised that Trevor Williams has been collating sightings of hedgehogs around the village. He already has some photos and video clips, but it's not too late to send him some more (or just a word about where you have seen a hog). Email: or contact Trevor direct. Even if you haven't seen a hedgehog, there might be other clues! Hedgehog poo has a very particular shape. In the meantime, why not check out some of these links: The British Hedgehog Preservation Society's interesting site can be found HERE Another hedgehog site is HERE See HERE for Somerset Wildlife Trust's tips on helping hedgehogs by making small adjustments in your garden Finally, the link to an article in the Western Daily Press, by Ian Liddell-Grainger, Bridgwater MP, can be found HERE
- Village Plan | My Site
Stoke St Gregory Community Plan 2023 Over a six month period, a group of villagers conducted a survey and produced a report on the answers given. This has resulted in a new village, or community plan which can inform decisions by local groups and hopefully show outside funding agencies the perceived needs of our village. See all the documents HERE on the Parish Council website. Carbon Footprint One of the survey topics was, “What do you think would help you to reduce your own carbon footprint and help restore the area’s natural biodiversity?” An ama zing 348 , out of the 385 people who took part in the survey, responded to this question, showing the level of interest and concern in our village. But, how can we translate these feelings into action? The first step is to let us know who you are. Th e survey was obviously confidential, so whether you have views on how we should proceed, or just want to be kept informed can you please contact us? 120 people ticked the box - Support and guidance on making my home more energy efficient. We held an event on this subject, which was poorly attended, so were we not looking at the right topics for those 120 people, did we not advertise properly, or would you 120 people like information in a different form? Please let us know. Other responses were: 76 - Support and guidance for reducing my use of energy and water 29 -Support and guidance for reducing food waste 190 - Increased opportunities for recycling, reusing and repurposing 115 - Community composting scheme 81 - Provision of more allotments to support local food production 147 - More safe cycle lanes/pedestrian walkways across the village 39 - More electric vehicle charging points 47 - A community car-share scheme 90 - Opportunity to use green community transport Again, if you ticked any of these boxes, please let us know who you are, and why you did so. Stoke Environment Group has been looking at and tackling some of these issues already and will be following up on more of them. But please don’t be shy. All those ticks in boxes mean that you care. We just need to get together to see what we can do. If we don’t, then the good work of the Village Survey Group might be wasted. 20 mph - Is it a Good Idea for Stoke? - New 24th June 2 023 We've now got used to travelling through Curry at 20 miles per hour. Are we ready for the same thing in Stoke? England is way behind the rest of the UK in terms of slowing down traffic in residential areas, but we don't have to wait for the Westminster government to get its finger out. But, we always have the same issue. Lots of people ticked the box, but who are you? Who will come forward and make a contribution to a safer Stoke? Would you be willing to pledge to travelling at less than 20 mph through the village? If 50 people committed to that it would slow everybody else down. Please get in touch Start by having a look at the 20's Plenty site HERE Surely there is someone around who wants this to happen? 20mph
- Stoke Environment Group
Environment, Stoke St Gregory, Sustainability,Wildlife Towards a socially responsible and sustainable community Actively caring for our environment and the wellbeing of current and future generations Our Vision Statement A rural community that is friendly, inclusive and resilient, where people share skills, ideas, knowledge, experience and time. A connected and healthy community, where everyone can get around with minimal carbon emissions. A green community that is rich in wildlife, that encourages biodiversity and cares for all species. An empowered community, where every individual can make a positive difference for the benefit of all. A socially responsible and sustainable community where we actively care for our environment and the wellbeing of current and future generations. If you can sign up to this vision, why not sign up to our mailing list, as a supporter or helper Contact us today:
- Envirofair | My Site
Williams Hall Stoke St Gregory 10 am - 4 pm FREE ENTRY Saturday 1st June sees Stoke Environment Group’s Fourth Annual ENVIRONMENT DAY in the Williams Hall, Stoke St Gregory - Free Entry & plenty of free parking. Make a note in your diary - it will be ‘Serious Fun For All The Family’. If you came to either of the first three ENVIROFAIRS you only need to know that this one will be even bigger and better. Have look HERE at some of the contributors Plant Table We Need Seeds, Seedlings & Plants For Our Plant Table PlantTable Please think about it NOW . If you are planting seeds, can you sow a few more in another container to l et us have on the day? If you have some plants you are thinning, can you pot them up now, so they have time to root? And can you make sure you label them? Please drop them off to the Village Hall as early as you can on the morning of Saturday 1st June. If you can't be around then, please drop them off at Trevor & Jane's, Birch House, Woodhill , Stoke St Gregory as near as possible beforehand. Bring something with you & take something away; or just bring something with you; or just take something away. All free, but there will be a pot for donations. If you have somewhere you could display a poster please download and print this one HERE Fixy
- Admin | My Site
ADMINISTRATION Stoke Environment Group is an Unincorporated Association with a constitution, vision statement, mission statement and set of objectives. A mailing list exists, consisting of people who have signed up as supporters or helpers. The Constitution can be found HERE The group's GDPR Policy can be found HERE Stoke Environment Group policy is decided at meetings, which are open to all registered supporters and helpers. These meetings also plan the group's programme of activities. Details of future meetings will be posted on this page and on the SEG notice board by the Shop gate. Elected officers of the group are shown below. To get in touch with any of them, please email Chair - Bryony Slaymaker Secretary - Nicolette Williams Treasurer - Dave Smith Footpaths - Sarah Evans Media - Dave Evans
- About | My Site
ABOUT US Vision Statement A rural community that is friendly, inclusive and resilient where people share skills, ideas, knowledge, experience and time. A connected and healthy community, where everyone can get around with minimal carbon emissions. A green community that is rich in wildlife, that encourages biodiversity and cares for all species. An empowered community, where every individual can make a positive difference for the benefit of all. A socially responsible and sustainable community where we actively care for our environment and the wellbeing of current and future generations. Mission Statement To share information , enabling constructive dialogue around sustainability and supporting positive behaviour change To identify opportunities to support and enable the reduction of carbon dioxide , other greenhouse gases and waste To respect, protect and restore our natural environment by fostering greater community awareness To create a self-reliant and environmentally resilient Parish where community cohesion and well-being are enhanced Objectives To make a positive contribution towards finding practical and affordable ways of reducing carbon emissions in our community To champion environmental awareness by working with all ages and experience and sharing reliable information that will lead towards a greater understanding of our impact on the natural world To support our natural world , and where possible, increase the diverse range of birds, plants, insects and mammals in our community To promote practises that have a positive and lasting benefit on our environment To encourage participation and inclusivity in the group’s work leading to an improvement in personal wellbeing and sense of belonging
- Projects | My Site
PROJECTS Williams Hall Spinney Managing and coppicing to create new wildlife habitats See more HERE Hedge Around the Village Hall - The hedge was planted on Saturday 29th January 2022. See more HERE Footpath Maintenance - Working with Landowners to maintain and improve our footpath network. See the work of the Footpath Group HERE Environment Fair Following four successful years of the Envirofair , it has been decided not to hold one this year. See the report of the 2021 Fair HERE For the 2022 Envirofair see HERE Hedgehogs For progress to date see HERE The Green Home A book to help you ecofy your home. This is at present out of print. We have also produced a task list which covers all the possible projects we have identified to date. It is available HERE
- EnvirofairRecycle | My Site
Recycle Your Smart Tech Is your old computer still working, but you now have an upgrade? Stop before you throw the old one out! With a few quick repairs your old machine could make someone else’s life a bit easier. Not all old computers and electronics are disassembled. Machines that are in working condition may be donated to low-income families, underfunded organisations, or schools. This gives adults and children across the world access to the technology they need, but might not have been able to afford. Did you know that over 40 million tons of electronic waste are discarded every year? Because of this astounding number, recycling old computers and other electronics is more important than ever. Materials in old computers can be used again, and working machines can be donated to schools and charities. Computers and other electronics contain hazardous materials, like carcinogens, lead, and mercury. If an old computer is dumped in landfill, these nasty substances can leach into the atmosphere and waterways. Polluting can be harmful to plants, animals, and humans, too. When recycling old computers, the computers are disassembled. Many of the parts can be broken down into raw materials to be used again in new electronics. This means reducing the need to mine finite resources. The metals removed from an old computer’s circuit board, for example, can be used again in a new computer’s circuit board – so nothing goes to waste. If you’re looking to buy a new computer, it’s worth checking out any trade-in deals available at computer retailers. Some are willing to give a discount to those who bring in their old device. Natural resources are not unlimited. We need to reuse resources we already have. When using recycled materials, less resources, energy, and money is needed to manufacture new products. So what’s happening at this year’s ENVIROFAIR? Somerset Waste Partnership’s Fixy initiative will be there and will happy to receive any smart tech equipment you are willing to donate. They will accept donations of unwanted laptops, tablets, mobile phones, digital cameras and other smart devices. All data will be securely wiped before items are passed back into the community. If it’s working or repairable it will help bridge the digital divide between t he rich and the not so rich. If you can’t get to the ENVIROFAIR ? You can donate your smart tech at one of DonateIT’s collection points across Somerset and other parts of the South West. One such is Langport Library, Whatley, Langport TA10 9RA. Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 10am - 4pm. Sat 10am to 4pm More details at
- Envirofair22 | My Site
An Amazing Day BACK to EnvirofairHome Page The links to the various things that happened at this year's ENVIROFAIR are still available below. See below for the photo gallery recording some of what was going on, but here is the 'Editor's Favourite' . A medley of uses for old plastic bottles - courtesy of the Arthurs Family of the Wagon House, Meare Green . . . Talks in the Meeting Room - Click HERE Contributors - Click HERE Plant, Seed & Vegetable Swap - Click HERE Family Fun - Click HERE Raffle - Click HERE Last Year's Envirofair - Click HERE With almost 30 exhibitors, there was a distinct emphasis on engaging with the younger members of our community. One of the most popular exhibits was a talk and demonstration of owls by Sharandys Owl Rescue Centre. It was amazing to see these beautiful creatures close up and hear about how they survive in the wild. We also had colourful and informative displays by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Butterfly Trust, Dykes Farm, Chedzoy Fair Share project, to name just a few. If you were not able to join us this year, we will be running another fair in 2023 . In the meantime, click HERE for a few photos of the day.
- Enviro23Birds | My Site
Yes, that's Saturday June the 3rd - not that many weeks to go before the Third Annual Stoke St Gregory ENVIROFAIR Make a note in your diary NOW - Serious Fun For All The Family If you came to the first two ENVIROFAIRS you only need to know that this one will be even bigger and better . Come back here to see the latest information as the programme develops. In fact, why not Bookmark this page or add it to your Favourites ? We will also be looking for volunteers to help make the day, so if you have an hour to spare please get in touch - The day's programme is still a 'work in progress', but one thing we can reveal is the return of the BIRDS I was busy doing something else last year but I'm not going to miss them this time! Their web site is HERE , so have a look at all the things they are up to, including their raptor rescue prgramme.We will let you know when they are going to be with us. Here are a couple of photos from last year's ENVIROFAIR. If you can't wait till June Sharandys are doing a mini tour. Here are their venues and dates: ENVIROFAIR 2021 Click HERE ENVIROFAIR 2022 Click HERE
- Enviro22Contribs | My Site
CONTRIBUTORS Click HERE for ENVIROFAIR Home Page Outside Seed/plant /produce swap under the porch (Trevor & Jane Williams) See more HERE Somerset Bee Keepers Seed Bombs and Bird Feeders with Mandy Boobyer Making Bird Boxes & Bee Houses (£2) Nationwide e- Bikes Growing Minds – young children play in nature Messy Church (Baptist) Fixy Van -see more HERE Offgrid Solutions SSG Cubs Meeting Room - see more HERE Somerset Butterfly Talk Somerset Wildlands – Alisdair Cameron Owl Experience – Sharandy’s Bird Sanctuary Refreshments WI - teas and coffees, cake: 10-12 and WI/SEG 2-4pm. Veggie & meat Barbecue SEG 12 – 2pm. Main Hall SSG Primary School Tree & leaves – ideas for our community SEG – Uses of plastic bottle/Future projects and 7 R’s/ Footpaths/ Spinney & hedge (Rota) Butterfly Conservation & badge making Chedzoy Fair Share Project Somerset Waste Partnership Reimagining the Levels Somerset Wildlife Trust Bumble Bee Conversation Trust Somerset Eco Centre Climate Action Taunton Field Studies Centre WWC Photo Display & Competition winners Crafts and Dog Toys (Karen Housego) Dykes Farm Raffle - The Levellers See more HERE Centre for Sustainable Energy Willowset
- Enviro24Exhibitors | My Site
ENVIROFAIR 24 - Exhibitors Don't forget - ENVIROFAIR 24 - Saturday 1st June - Williams Hall, Stoke St Gregory - 10 am till 4 pm These are some of the organisations who will be waiting to greet you. More next week! Somerset Beekeepers’ Association (SBKA) was set up in 1906 to advance the craft of apiculture and to promote general awareness and understanding of honey bees and holds true to its founding principles today. The provide training, promote best practice and offer advice, support and education to beekeepers and the public. Based on the Somerset Levels, Brew Planet are on a mission to get people feeling, looking and becoming happier in themselves. Not only are all their products strictly ethically sourced, using planet-friendly technologies and techniques; they have an attitude that says no to environmentally damaging products and yes to putting wealth back into our planet’s health. Climate Action Taunton Sharing ideas and concerns about Climate Change Facebook: Dykes Farm is an organic, family run, dairy farm situated in the village of Stoke St Gregory with land on the ridge and low lying levels. Grass is grown to feed the herd of 70 holstein friesian, black and white cows. The cows graze the fields in the summer months and are fed on grass silage and hay during the winter, when they are housed. Facebook Page Sharandys Birds of Prey. Sharandy’s Bird Sanctuary will be giving us two sessions of their ‘Owl Experience’. Sharandys Birds of Prey Centre in Chard is both a unique visitor attraction and a raptor rescue centre. With dozens of resident birds and animals and countless sick and injured rescues, it is a veritable hive of activity. A great way to learn about these amazing birds and the work of the centre. Facebook Page: RSPB Located in the Somerset Levels and Moors, the West Sedgemoor reserve is part of England's largest remaining wet meadow system. As such, it is home to large populations of breeding waders in the summer and wildfowl in winter. Secret World Wildlife Rescue (SWWR) exists to relieve the suffering of British wildlife and to encourage respect and tolerance for wildlife. They do this by providing a rescue, rehabilitation and release service for injured, sick and orphaned wildlife; inspiring learning and sharing information about British wildlife and delivering professional training Somerset Waste Partnership. The Fixy representative will be, promoting volunteer-run repair groups and opportunities to get involved. They will also be accepting donations of unwanted smart tech for reuse, including laptops, tablets, mobile phones, digital cameras and other smart devices – data will be securely wiped by Donate IT before items are passed back into the community. Somerset Wildlife Trust Their work over the decades has slowed the rate at which species have been lost, and has protected important habitats in Somerset but we must now take a more radical and urgent approach and involve many more people in acting locally for nature’s recovery. Small things add up to make a difference. But the challenges nature is facing are vast, so we are all going to have to think bigger, think bolder and take more action together to have the impact that’s needed. Somerset Wildlands is developing a network of sites throughout the Levels. Each of these will be managed in as light-touch a way as is possible allowing nature to take the lead, and each will be subtly different. Rather than one big rewilded estate, over time this will create numerous ‘wild stepping stones’ - providing refuges and diversity within the overall landscape, and adding something to the existing mix of managed nature reserves and farmland. Do come and meet them Williams Hall, Stoke St Gregory, TA3 6HA 10 am - 4 pm Saturday 3rd June 2023